New Additions!
With Annie's pregnancy and delivery, I have completely fallen in love with chinchillas. I recently decided to get a couple more! Tomorrow, I will get a standard ebony male named Dexter and a mosaic female named Dilly. I don't really like their current names and will probably change them after I get to know them. I am thinking about reusing Bartholomew since it didn't stick the first time. Their current owners have kept them together and they've had a few litters before. When we get them, I will give them time to get used to the new environment and introduce them to the other chins a bit. I hope to be able to put Dexter and Wolke together so Wolke isn't so lonely and, if Dilly is nice to Annie and her kits, I may put her with them. She can help keep the kits warm. Another "addition" will be my sister's pictures. She has a professional camera and is really good at taking pictures, so she will be helping me to get some good pictures of our chins and bunnies.
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