They're Here!
Dilly and Dexter are here! And now that I've had some time to get to know their personalities, I've got their names picked out. Dexter is now Barry and Dilly is Yuki (which is Japanese for snow). Yuki is very big and fluffy and Barry is small and bug eyed. When I first saw pictures of them, Barry looked super adorable, but Yuki wasn't quite so adorable and I was a little worried she wouldn't be cute. After getting to know them and seeing them in person, I think she's cuter than him. She's very cuddly which is not typical for chinchillas. Typically, a chinchilla doesn't like to sit still and be pet. Yuki sat on my lap while I was watching a movie. She didn't squirm or try to get away. I'm going to be holding her a lot. Yesterday, I tried to introduce Barry to Wolke because I'd like to put them together eventually. Wolke is lonely and when I have to seperate them from the girls it'd be nice for them to have some company. So I let them run outside the cage together. Looks like they need more time to get used to each other because Wolke was kinda aggressive. He would jump on Barry and he pulled some hair out. I'm gonna give them time to get used to seeing, hearing and smelling each other before I let them run together again. I would also like to get Annie and Yuki accustomed to each other so they will be alright to be together. (Pictures of Yuki and Barry will be coming soon.)
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